Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hi all. I might've not been so visible the past while, but I've still been checking by and doing mostly "behind-the-scenes work" that no one probably notices. Perhaps I'll have some dl updates later. Most of the older series (from before the move) have finally been updated to the current releases (whew).

Scanlator (not so new) news:

  • If you didn't know yet, Serenus-Dreamers has a "new" website. If you didn't bookmark their splash page (still the same address), the new index is at

  • Manga Abyss has changed forum (see scanlators directory)

  • Boku-Tachi has closed down (posted Sept 11). Alas, another one of the older scanlation teams has retired. We aren't hosting anything by them at the moment, but I wanted to note this anyway because they were one of the first few groups I knew and I love their quality work.

  • Another if you didn't know yet: Intercross set up a website around their 2nd anniversary (see scanlators directory). Dl links can be found there, and they plan to update new releases ~1 week after being posted in their forum. - And I fixed all the broken links to their site in the new manga series (the .html was missing off the end - or you can take off the index.html completely).

//edit: Sue has fixed the BioPlanet WOo Dls.


Loving_Day said...

Great job fuzz~ ^^

kawaiisue said...

o____o; OMG I'M SO SORRY!!
i'll get that fixed immediately~

*runs away in embarrassment*

Fuzz said...

luv you all =D

kawaiisue said...

lol...fuzz u gave ftp instead of http for manga abyss's forum link XD. I went on and was frustrated.."why can't i log on o.o" lol XD. I'll get it fixed.

Loving_Day said...

Thats nice to know thanks~ lol it okay Sue haha! my bad

Fuzz said...

The link in the scanlators directory? I'm not sure how ftp got there, but it's working fine (now?). I just realized that this means we have to change the old addresses linked in the series...goes off to check...done: all links now go to the new forum.