Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2011/11 November Updates

Time flies! And changes come! After our sudden server crash (we still can't retrieve the old domain), we lost regular visitors (and commenters). Big online readers have grown while small sharing and and [SC] communities have been closing down.  We will soon be turning 6 years old and still alive for now.

Any projects that never received visitor interest (no comments in their posts) will be reviewed and those that no longer interest the staff will be removed. It takes a lot of time to maintain records of many titles (we continue tracking oneshots and completed titles for changes). So be sure to leave a comment if you like a title!
Also, some groups have changed their distribution policies and we'll have to look at those. Usually, we continue what's been shared and no longer add any other titles.

The [SC] Directory will also be undergoing it's regular monthly maintenance.