Wednesday, April 04, 2012

2012/04 April Updates

Whatever happened to daily updates at the end of March?. ...we ran out of things to update...
However, we have posted the rest to finish our 6th anniversary 31 days of updates!
The list is in the post for the previous month. Or check out our news feed for live updates.

Will there be anything for April?
Yep, we have some featured titles, but first we need recovery time. =P

*Help Us Out*: Do you have the original c16 and c21 of The Flower(s) of Evil from [Noir]?
Please tell us or give us a link in the comments or chatbox! We seem to have lost ours! --If you need somewhere to ul, you can use our filebox. The pass: mangagarden

//Edit: Real Life + major deletions on one of our host (we don't understand why) means we couldn't do anything in April as planned. See you in May!