We wanted to put up some titles that weren't fantasy related, but there wasn't enough time and few choices...maybe another time.
People and machines suffered in the production of this anniversary gift, so come cheer us up in the chatbox or comments.

Chocobo is looking for its parents and Moogle is a treasure
Volume 01: c01, c02, c03 [Manga-Koejke]
Otogi Moyou Ayanishiki

- summary by Manga-Garden
Volume 1: c01, c02, c03, Volume 2: c04, c05, c06,
Volume 3: c07-c08, c09-c11, Volume 4: c12-c16, Volume 5: c17-c21 end [Ivyscan]

Hana is at the library, researching the three kingdoms, when she finds a book with game pieces and battle maps. While reading it, a bright light engulfs her and she finds herself in a strange forest. A voice directs her down a path with a message for Gentoku. Following these directions, she ends up appointed as a war tactician! Using her magical book, fate is in her hands. - summary by Manga-Garden
Volume 1: c01, c02 [Iskultrip]
Continue to the 3rd part of the lucky 7th gift: Mystery or Visit the starting post with all parts.
If you want to browse more titles we host under this genre, use the Adventure tag! The number of choices is rather pitiful. >_< Our current 2 other adventure titles were also previously featured here and here.