Sunday, January 01, 2012

2011/12 December Updates

Sooo here's the monthly announcement. If you're subscribed to our news feed (please do), you already know that we're finishing annual year-end maintenance. Blehh. Real Life + tech probs + holiday celebrations + a whole load of host problems really extended the torture.

What's Year-End Maintenance? We...
-Updated the [SC] Directory
-Checked & Updated Links
-Re-UL files
-Updated Project Info Pages

It's a lot of manual work and content!
Help us by reporting problems in the comments of our updates (like this one!).

There's also a looong list of ~18 projects now under Dropped (see the news feed). We're still hosting them, but you're not gonna see any updates to them unless someone picks 'em up.

But yeah, we'll still remove any titles we don't want to host anymore + have no comments b/c there's no point if we don't want to UL and no one wants to DL. After some debate, we did remove a few w/ comments due to hosting probs, sorry!

So leave a comment in the page of projects you like or one day it may disappear.
Also, the holidays is a perfect time to visit your favourite [sc] people and leave a comment to thank them and say Happy xmas/new year. If you don't, they may disappear!

Look for Ch Updates soon (this week, promise)! There's also a little maintenance left, too.

P.S. - MF deleted Ani-com ch01 [A-M] and we can't find it anymore (*&$!). If you have this zip released by [Akatsuki] or know where, pretty please leave us a comment!
//Edit: We have it now!