So this is what happens when you try to make promises; jinx!
To make up for last month, we bring you 3 feature posts with all new additions and all different [sc], too!. You'll find at least 1 of every status: dropped, complete, active, oneshot.
Call it a belated birthday gift, which is what got us into trouble!
Scroll down for the posts if you're on the homepage, otherwise click the links below.
Manga-Garden's 7th Anniversary Gift: Featured Titles - Our Favourite Genres
1. March Comedy Designed to make you laugh :D - or at least smile. :)
2. April Adventure aka Fantasy D:
3. May Mystery a lot more saved for later themes, which made it much hard to choose.
*There are no preview images because, lordy, the cover images needed too much editing.
*Most of the [sc] of the featured titles are gone, so check 'em out and the good ol' days.
So Happy 7th BDay to Manga-Garden. Will we survive another year? Stay tuned to find out! And, hey, come say hello in the comments or chatbox. We need some cheer. All the old messages in our chatbox mysteriously disappeared.
P.S. Personal storage and computer problems will limit new titles until we save enough money to get things fixed. =_=