Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Manga Updates

Nothing creative this time. I'm all burned out.

  • under Active Manga:
    Kiss  v6c32, v6 Sidestory, v6 omake
    Men's School  v2c6
    Superior  v08c1 ver.2 - re-edited and all parts consolidated (it's the entire ch1)
    Usagi Drop  v3c13
    Venus Capriccio  v2c12-v2c14 -Camui reminded us over a month ago, so I'm sorry that it's only up now. =_=
    Yokohama Monogatari  v1c10 - Just how many chs does this volume have?

Oh, and latest commenter: ploy. Thanks for dropping by and interacting!

Arrgh, am I the only one who has frequent problems with the server? I can't get to the Active Manga by the link. Sigh, if you are, I can post the links here too.

And, Happy (belated) 3rd Anniversary to Esthetique.

//Munky's edit:
Sorry about the absence and the problem with the Active Manga page. Until I can find a better solution, the link will lead to a page that lists all the manga along with their respective pictures. It is going to be a pretty long wait for those with slower connections so I apologize about that.